SMiG, Statistica Matematica in Genova

The research group in Mathematical Statistics studies problems of algebraic statistics and planning of experiments, in particular graphical probabilistic models and optimal planning of experiments for large and big datasets; a recent line of research is on compositional data, investigating applications in the financial and biomedical fields, e.g. proteomic and genomic data, and developing algorithms and open-source software packages.

People working in this area:

Claudia Fassino    
Giulia Bertagnolli 
Francesco Porro    
Eva Riccomagno    
Sara Sommariva    
Muhammad Shoaib (PhD student)   
Jack Storror Carter (post-doc)  
Giacomo Lancia (post-doc)  
Orlando Marigliano (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow)  

Former members:

Maria Piera Rogantin    
Ivano Repetto    
Federico Carli (currently in Axpo Italia) 
Elena Pesce (currently in AXA XL) 
Giacomo Siri (currently in Dompé) 
Eleonora Saggini (currently math teacher at Gastaldi-Abba) 
Virginia Pirino (currently senior analytics specialist in Costa Crociere) 
Piotr Zwiernik (currently associate professor in Toronto University) 
Gherardo Varando