The research group in Mathematical Statistics studies problems of algebraic statistics and planning of experiments, in particular graphical probabilistic models and optimal planning of experiments for large and big datasets; a recent line of research is on compositional data, investigating applications in the financial and biomedical fields, e.g. proteomic and genomic data, and developing algorithms and open-source software packages.
People working in this area:
Claudia Fassino
Giulia Bertagnolli
Francesco Porro
Eva Riccomagno
Sara Sommariva
Muhammad Shoaib (PhD student)
Jack Storror Carter (post-doc)
Giacomo Lancia (post-doc)
Orlando Marigliano (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow)
Former members:
Maria Piera Rogantin
Ivano Repetto
Federico Carli (currently in Axpo Italia)
Elena Pesce (currently in AXA XL)
Giacomo Siri (currently in Dompé)
Eleonora Saggini (currently math teacher at Gastaldi-Abba)
Virginia Pirino (currently senior analytics specialist in Costa Crociere)
Piotr Zwiernik (currently associate professor in Toronto University)
Gherardo Varando