Recent PhD graduates


Ciclo XXXV




Ciclo XXXI

Ciclo XXX

  • Tommaso Bruno - Weighted sub-Laplacians on Stratified Groups and Euclidean Spaces: Spectral Properties and Singular Integrals (2017)
  • Michela Di Marca - Connectedness properties of dual graphs of standard graded algebras (2017)
  • Giulia Frosoni - Equilogical Spaces, Frames and Double-Power Monad (2017)
  • Giorgio Ricca - Post processing methods in morphological medical imaging (2018)
  • Laura Tozzo - Two instances of duality in commutative algebra (2017)

Ciclo XXIX

  • Alessio D’Alì - Homological Invariants and Combinatorical Constructions in Commutative Algebra (2017)
  • Nicolò Drago - Perturbative methods in Algebraic QFT with applications to Thermal Field Theory (2017)Elisa Palezzato - Minimal Polynomials, Sectional Matrices and Applications (2017)
  • Daniele Masoero - On the structure of Selmer and Shafarevich-Tate groups of higher weight modular forms (2017)
  • Sara Rebagliati - Two applications of Hidden Markov Models in Finance (2017)
  • Matteo Sciutto - Metodi di ricostruzione e software di interfaccia in MRI (2017)
  • Sara Sommariva - Numerical methods for the study of brain connectivity from biomagnetic data (2017)


  • Anna Codispoti - Analytic and Numerical Studies of the Electron Continuity Equation in Solar Flares (2016)
  • Antoine Géré - Analytic regularization of quantum field theories on curved backgrounds (2016)
  • Sara Giordano - Analytic forward model and numerical inversion methods for the STIX imaging problem (2016)
  • Michela Lavaggi - On Hilbert Varieties (2016)
  • Mattia Righetti - Zeros of combinations of Euler products for sigma >1 (2016)
  • Eleonora Saggini - Good Experimental Methodologies and Design of Experiments in Marine Robotics (2016)
  • Valentina Vivaldi - Numerical methods for two inverse problems in Neuroscience (2016)


  • Davide Bolognini - Betti splittings of monomial ideals and simplicial complexes (2015)
  • Andrea Gandolfo - The Outset of Connection (2016)
  • Sara Garbarino - Compartmental analysis in nuclear medicine: an inverse problem approach (2015)
  • Giovanni Filocamo - Forme delle conoscenza matematica: visualizzazione, rappresentazione non simbolica e intuizione. Conseguenze sulla didattica (2018)
  • Daniel Siemssen - The Semiclassical Einstein Equation on Cosmological Spacetimes (2015)
  • Gabriele Torre - Inverse problems in solar flares: a multi-energy perspective (2015)
  • Stefano Vigogna - Extended representations of reproducing kernel function spaces (2015)
Ultimo aggiornamento 5 Marzo 2025