Research lines

The main active research areas in our Department of Mathematics are:

  • algebraic and complex geometry
  • algebraic number theory and arithmetic geometry
  • analytic, ergodic and probabilistic number theory
  • commutative algebra, computer algebra and cryptography
  • geometrical methods in physical theories
  • harmonic and functional analysis
  • inverse problems
  • machine learning and optimization
  • mathematics education
  • mathematical logic and category theory
  • mathematical aspects of quantum mechanics and algebraic quantum field theory
  • noncommutative derived geometry and mathematical physics
  • numerical analysis and computational methods with applications in medical imaging, neurosciences and astrophysics 
  • partial differential equations, calculus of variations and optimal transport
  • probability and mathematical statistics

You can explore the department's research page for more information. 

Ultimo aggiornamento 10 Dicembre 2024