The research interests of the mathematical logic team (Genoa logic group range over several fields of the discipline. The main ones include:
- Categorical logic and category theory with applications to constructive mathematics. This includes the study of fibered categories and their properties to describe deductive systems.
- Type theory and its categorical semantics.
- Non-classical logics, modal logics, and geometric logic, and the development of their proof theory.
- Computable mathematics.
- Descriptive set theory, in particular the study of complexity hierarchies coming from logic, algebra, and geometry.
- Classification problems in real analysis and in continuum theory.
The Genoa logic group has ongoing collaborations with various research groups across Europe, like those based in Lausanne, Nice, Aix-Marseille, Helsinki, Stockholm. It has promoted and is part of the informal logic network including the logic groups of the universities of Lausanne, Turin, and Udine (, which in particular runs the weekly Cross-Alps logic seminar.
Members of the group are also involved in the following activities and projects:
- «Modalities in Substructural Logics: Theory, Methods and Applications» (, focused on the systematic study of substructural modal logics and their applications to knowledge representation; legal reasoning; data privacy and security; logical analysis of natural language.
- «Infinity and Intensionality: Towards A New Synthesis» (, aiming to the development of a new approach to mathematics, supplementing infinite sets with intensional notions.
- ItaCa (, the Italian network of category theorists, with collaborations involving several mathematics and computer science departments.
- The organisation of dissemination events, like the Festival della Scienza di Genova and the Mathematical Olympiad.
People working in this area:
Riccardo Camerlo
Sara Negri
Giuseppe Rosolini
Jacopo Emmenegger (post-doc)
Fabio Pasquali (post-doc)
Greta Coraglia (PhD student)
Cosimo Perini Brogi (PhD student)